Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Baby storytime

We ventured to baby story time this week. It's a little weird for me, but that's because I worked there last week. If you have a child, of any age, I recommend going to a story time. We learned some new rhymes and remembered some old ones. Here is a link to some bouncing rhymes, if you need them.

We spent some time in the children's section and I let my baby play with some of the toys they have in the section. I decided it was time to leave when she started to pull the books off the shelf.  Don't worry, I put them all back, in the correct order.  Over all, we spent about an hour at the library. I'm hoping to make some friends with the other moms.  Maybe next week I'll work up the courage to talk to one of them.  I'm an introvert.  It kind of goes along with the whole librarian thing.  Trust me.

All the covers are links!

  I got a book for me this week.  I joined a book club and this was their pick.  This is not normally the type of book I read.  I like happy, funny books normally. This is not proving to be one of those.  I'm only half way through. If it were up to me, I would have already stopped reading it. I'm not saying it's a bad book.  It's well written and thought provoking.  It's just really intense!

For the baby:  (By the way, she picked out these books herself.)
Baby's Shapes I love Karen Katz.  Baby's Shapes is a great book.  It has very easy to turn pages, which my baby loves, and the illustrations are very cute.  My baby really likes to look at the other babies on the page.

8549661 What Can I Taste by Annie Kubler is a very simple book, but I'm not a fan.  I don't really like the illustrations.  They are too fuzzy for me. Also, I think she is trying to be multicultural, but it just comes across as babies in traditional costumes from other countries, of which there are only 2 of those babies in the whole book.  The language not that great and it includes tons of food that my child can't eat, like chocolate. That being said, my baby LOVES this book.  I have read it at least 4 times today.  I can't wait to take it back to the library.

13585735 Look Look Outside! by Peter Linenthal is a black and white book.  I read a while back that babies really like bold contrasts.  It is an okay book.  Very simple, but it doesn't really make a lot of sense, not that I'm looking for a great story line in a board book, but sentences should at least make some sense, right?  She likes the pictures, so I guess that's something.

I also picked up some music from the library.  I am trying to cut back on my tv watching and I know it's also bad for the baby.  So, I got a few CDs.

Dave Brubeck - Greatest Hits We listened to this one and I have to say, it's really good.  I saw him once in concert and it was amazing.  I thought the baby might really like it. This chilled her out so much. She really likes to dance and she was swaying back and forth to the beat.  We both really enjoyed it.

Pretty In Pink: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack I love the movie Pretty in Pink and thought the soundtrack would be amazing.  It is!  There are some songs on it that I had never heard before.  I liked it more than the baby did.

I recommend you find some interesting books at your local library.  If you like these or have comments, please post them!

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